Fun but Busy Week!

For the past couple of nights I’ve been hosting Halloween parties online. It’s been fun and I am learning every step of the way.

For the past couple of nights I’ve been hosting Halloween parties online.  It’s been fun and I am learning every step of the way.  Example:  Originally this was supposed to be a 2-week long online event.  Thankfully, at some point beforehand, I realized that would be tough to keep up with 😉  I shortened it to 1 week.  Honestly that is also too much and I changed it to 6 days.  I was planning to host one on Halloween itself but people are going to be busy with their kids or answering doors to trick-or-treators so…I’m closing the party down the day before the holiday.  Timing is definitely one of the lessons with this first event!  Each night the event lasts about an hour and a half and takes more than 100 posts.  I had a blast putting it all together but wow, that is a lot!

I did publicize it as much as I could but there still weren’t many sign ups.  That may be due to the fact that it was over such an extensive time period?  I don’t know and I do definitely plan to do another online event so this is a good experience.  The people who are participating seem to enjoy it and I’ve gotten some very kind feedback which I’ve appreciated.  I’ve given out a couple of prizes and there are more to give so that is truly fun for me.

I appreciate all that I’m learning from this and look forward to sharing more events with you in the future!  They will be single night events and not more than an hour and a half 😉

It’s All About Avon