A New View — Vision Boards

“Of course I have goals, everyone does right?! That didn’t stop me from coming up blank-like a deer facing headlights. Maybe that’s part of the reason vision boards work?”

Yesterday my SIL, Elane,  mentioned that she was working on her “vision board” for the year.  Elane is pretty wise and her ideas intrigue me.  I’d heard of vision boards before but never really imagined myself doing one.  I did a search online to see what was involved and what other people had to say about them and was impressed so I looked into free online versions.  There are a few and I did start one.  I was surprised to find that it wasn’t as “easy” as I’d imagined!  Of course I have goals, everyone does right?!  That didn’t stop me from coming up blank-like a deer facing headlights.  Maybe that’s part of the reason vision boards work?

I’d never really spent much time focusing on what my goals were before, why would they be so hard to articulate?!  It occurred to me that I spend a great deal of my time responding to life as it happens, like a rat on a wheel.  Putting out small fires around me all the while not realizing I’m dying of smoke inhalation.  All of the sudden a vision board makes sense. Why just put out fires?  Be like Smokey the Bear, prevent them from happening in the first place!

I spent the better part of the day yesterday working on my vision board.  It really took me that long because the process of creating one helps you to see what it is you really want to accomplish on multiple levels as well as the steps needed to make them happen.  Finances are important but, believe it or not, it wasn’t the first thing on my list.  One of the top things I truly crave is the time to focus on creativity.  I’m always “too busy” and then when I come home at night…too tired.  The program I went with ended up being one I paid for because it had more bells and whistles, one of them being a calendar that reminds me of the steps needed to achieve my goals in a timely fashion.  I’m very excited to see this in action, that I had the time to write this post is proof that I took advantage of making time for being creative this morning 🙂

Are you doing a vision board?  What’s your experience been with them?

Wishing you a wonderful day!


The above image was taken from an image search, it’s not my board, mine is online 😉

A New Year, A New Book Recommendation!

“The youngest of six children in a close-knit Buddhist family, Le Ly Hayslip was twelve years old when U.S. helicopters langed in Ky La, her tiny village in central Vietnam.”

I’m currently reading When Heaven & Earth Change Places by Le Ly Hayslip.  The description begins “…the haunting memoir of a girl on the verge of womanhood in a world turned upside down. The youngest of six children in a close-knit Buddhist family, Le Ly Hayslip was twelve years old when U.S. helicopters langed in Ky La, her tiny village in central Vietnam.”  Although I’m only about 10% of the way into it I can already tell it’s going to be one of those books that I’ll always remember.  I tend to read non-fiction books like this because I like to learn.  In my office we deal with a lot of Asian people and, although some of them are great friends, they can be difficult to deal with.  This book has already taught me a great deal about their culture and what they’ve had to endure before moving to the United States.  You can “know” the history of a place but until you’ve experienced it through their eyes, their memories, you can’t imagine what it was like to live through what they have.  If you decide to read this book I’d love it if you shared your impressions with me!  The above is an affiliate link but that isn’t why I’m sharing it here, I really think it’s an important book to read and whether you decide to buy online through me or by some other method all that I feel is important is that you read it.

2017–New Beginnings

“…don’t feel like you have to be perfect to get out there and try something you’re passionate about, just get out there and try.”

Welcome to the New Year!  2017.  We always seem to be so full of hope at the beginning of the year don’t we?  I think, I believe, that this year will be exceptional and in a good way 😉  I’m not making a whole lot of resolutions because they don’t seem to hold much weight with me longer than a couple of weeks.  I know what I need to do this year, I need to work hard and I can do that!

I’m still working on my sideline businesses and hoping that one of these days something will take off.  True story 😀  Our office is getting back to where it should be and that’s a blessing but it’s my husband’s business.  I want to see something of mine thrive.  I’ve already posted a couple of new images on my FAA website today and will try to be more faithful, as time allows, to getting images online.  Here is my website if you want to have a look:  REH Fine Art Photography  You will quickly see that there are some not so great pieces there 😉  There are some that are very nice too.  I’ve had this website since 2012 and have grown in it so I hope you will see progression.  My point:  don’t feel like you have to be perfect to get out there and try something you’re passionate about, just get out there and try.

This past Christmas I had a blast creating some gifts.  I may try to work on more creativity-type projects over the coming year, I hope I do anyway.  One thing I rediscovered is how much of a stress reducer working on something with your hands can be.  If you don’t currently create I’d highly suggest you give it a go. You don’t need to be Rembrandt, your creations are unique and personal.  Create because YOU enjoy doing it!!!  I hope you’ll feel comfortable to share some of your work, I’d love to see them and I’ll share some of mine in here over the course of the year.

Best wishes to you and your family this New Year!

The End of Chapter 2016

I don’t feel “nostalgic” for 2016, I’m glad it’s almost behind me, but I have spent a good part of this week thinking through it.

It’s an odd time of year isn’t it?  We’re getting ready to, in theory, put the old behind and look forward to the new.  It’s like ending a chapter in a book.  I don’t feel “nostalgic” for 2016, I’m glad it’s almost behind me, but I have spent a good part of this week thinking through it.

Much like any other year there were highs and lows.  The highlights, for me, were our travels.  We were able to go to Florida at the end of January, Maine in late spring, to the Midwest to visit my family during the summer, another long weekend in Maine this past fall and then Pennsylvania over Thanksgiving.  We also had two visits from David’s youngest daughter, Jila.  I became an aunt (again) in early December which always makes me smile.

The lows…mostly all work-related.  Our office lost a small fortune when our billers decided they didn’t want to do the work required.  We didn’t catch on to what was happening for a few months and when we finally did we had to really scramble or close our doors after 40+ years.  Since my husband is an optometrist and the billing was medical we weren’t able to recoup all of it.  In medical billing you have timelines and if you don’t get your claims in by a certain time after the exams your claims are rejected and you aren’t paid.  It took us a few months to discover because even when a claim is filed on time we may not be paid until 45 days later so the finances are always kind of precarious and we’re used to that.  I had to learn medical billing in about two weeks!  It was a scary year for us as we struggled to catch up financially, we’re still struggling but at least now we can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

2016 was intense.


January 1, 2017 we move on to the next chapter and we’re hopeful.

I’m Celebrating Boxing Day!

My friends in Canada talk about Boxing Day. They told me it’s a day they spend visiting friends and family, sometimes they bring small gifts but more often than not they don’t. It’s just a time to catch up and wish them well.

My friends in Canada talk about Boxing Day.  They told me it’s a day they spend visiting friends and family, sometimes they bring small gifts but more often than not they don’t.  It’s just a time to catch up and wish them well.  Traditionally you have food prepared for anyone who may visit you that day.  Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful holiday?!  I can imagine that it would change the face of society to be kinder.  If you know and acknowledge your neighbors it’s harder to cut them off in traffic, right?  It may generate more real conversation about things that actually matter.  I don’t know but I do think it’s an amazing tradition to have and one that matters.

This year I’m trying to reach out to as many people as I can to “visit” online and wish them all the best in their lives.  My wish for you is that you, your family and your friends have and accept the many opportunities to express your love for each other to each other.  I wish you blessings in great abundance and much loving kindness.

Happy Boxing Day!!!

Christmas. Sometimes it’s Hard but we can Still Celebrate and Create New Memories

I thought this would be the year I could feel good about celebrating Christmas again.  Both my parents passed away within the past 7 years and I’ve had a tough time celebrating major holidays since then.   They were both like little kids when it came time for Christmas, my Mom decorated her house more heavily than the Griswold’s, seriously, every nook and cranny had some decoration in it.  My Dad would sing along with Elvis’s “Blue Christmas” complete with the special sideburn sunglasses my sister bought him.  He’d do anything to make us laugh!  We weren’t the “Walton’s” but there are plenty of good memories of times past.  I miss them.

This week we’ve had my husband’s youngest daughter, Jila, visiting us and that has been a real blessing.  We got a tree, basically just for her.  David and I were alright to forego having one.  The two of them went out and picked it out.  When they came home, we set it up and the two of them got the decorations out and were about to start decorating when Jila decided to put on some Christmas music….  I definitely wasn’t ready for that, the memories and sadness just flooded over me.  I didn’t want them to be upset so I watched from a distance but didn’t really participate much beyond that :/  I finished writing out the cards so we could actually mail them before Christmas for a change and waited for them to complete their project.  The tree is beautiful, they did a wonderful job and once the music was turned off I felt a little less stressed and could appreciate it more.


I have to bring Jila back to her Mom’s house tomorrow so we’re celebrating with her tonight.  She prefers handmade gifts, gifts of the heart and for the life of me I couldn’t think of what to do but today I saw a video of someone making a photo candle and I knew that she would love to have one of her and her Dad  🙂  I’ve made one and gotten her a couple of smaller gifts to open.  To us, my husband and I both, she has been our gift, her visit.  She brought us out of ourselves and we are celebrating Christmas with her.  It’s another precious memory to store in our hearts.


Being Grateful

We’re having a very nice visit with Jila, my husband’s youngest daughter. The two of them are out on a hike right now and I’m happy that they take full advantage of their times together.

We’re having a very nice visit with Jila, my husband’s youngest daughter.  The two of them are out on a hike right now and I’m happy that they take full advantage of their times together.  On their way home they’re stopping off to get our Christmas tree and then, after dinner tonight, we’ll all work to get it decorated.  Our time with her is joyful and I feel blessed to be able to build on our relationship.  In the past it hasn’t always been so smooth and I’m sure there will probably be times in the future too that aren’t either so I’m truly grateful for these times.  It can be tough when you have blended families so it’s important to make the most of it when you have the opportunity.  I know that when I was younger I was a living terror to my step-mother but through the years we’ve been able to develop a loving relationship.  My Dad passed away 3 years ago and we’re still close.

Jila leaves on Thursday morning, I’m actually driving her to her Mom’s so they can celebrate Christmas together while her Dad has to go back to work.  I find it a little hard to stay in the present because I’m already sad she’s leaving so soon but I know that we’re creating memories that will last long after the visit and for that I’m grateful.

The photo is about 5 years old but it’s of Jila and her Dad 🙂

Deep Breathing

Maybe one of these days, when we retire, we’ll get back on the regular Christmas schedule 🙂

That’s what this week is all about :/  My husband’s youngest daughter, Jill, arrived this morning, they still aren’t back from the airport, and all I can think of is what hasn’t been done!  Yikes.  Usually procrastinating, for me anyway, means I’ll be sweating when she arrives but the house will be clean but this time I just can’t get myself up and running.  Breathe in, breathe out.  To use a cliche:  “what will be will be.”

We haven’t even gotten a tree yet because the weather was so bad last weekend.  It may be time to pull those fake garland out from the garage and put them around the house…or better yet, wait for Jill to arrive and we can all do it together.  That can be a form of celebration too, right?

It’s our busy time of the year at the work so when we come home we’re pretty wiped out.  We aren’t very “good” at Christmas anymore and that makes me a bit sad that these past few years we tend to celebrate afterwards.  We’ll go to Christmas Mass and have a nice meal but to really relax and reflect, we save that for after the holidays when it’s calmer at the office.  Maybe one of these days, when we retire, we’ll get back on the regular Christmas schedule  🙂  Here’s hoping!  Until then:  breathe in, breathe out and then repeat.

The above photo was taken at Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Massachusetts.  It’s a decoration designed with living plants!