I never thought the day would come when Molly would be potty-trained but just this week I noticed she’s stopped going in the house!  Hooray!!!  She’ll be 5 months old tomorrow and I guess she just felt it was time, we didn’t chide her for her accidents at all, she decided on her own.  This is part of the puppy-hood that I can tell you I won’t miss at all 😉  That being said there are things I do, already, miss.  Molly is growing like a weed and she’s almost (physically) fully grown.  Next month we will be getting her spayed and microchipped…already.  In spite of how many bottles of Pine Sol, etc. I went through it still seems like yesterday we were just picking her up.  I now can understand why many people who have children want to have another one after a year or two 😉  I’m already talking about putting our name on the waiting list for next year…?!  It wouldn’t be anywhere near as expensive since I already have everything we could possibly need to welcome another puppy into the family.  When I tell my husband this he looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind, lol, but I know he’d love another one too.

Molly, at almost 50 pounds, still thinks she’s little and she still likes to jump up on my lap and cuddle.  I have to admit it’s one of my favorite parts of the day when she does that 🙂  I don’t want to miss any chances to cherish our time together so she will be welcome on my lap no matter how big she gets.

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