It’s Been Awhile…

I’ve been working on a Family History, mine, and have been absorbed in research these past few months.  No excuse, it’s just what I’ve been up to 😉  I decided to focus on one set of great-grandparents on my paternal line;  John Henry Bross and his wife, Ellen Nora Johnson.  They’re both remarkable to me for different reasons.

John Henry was the first generation to be born here in the United States.  His parents were both from Germany and moved here in the early 1850’s.  It wasn’t easy for them but after a couple of years in Kentucky they eventually settled in Illinois to raise their children.

Ellen Nora (Johnson) Bross was from a long line of patriots.  Several of her family were involved in the American Revolution!  There are a lot of impressive characters in her lineage, I won’t go into it all here because it would take me all day and I’d have to go back and forth between programs to do it.

John and Ellen married when they were in their mid-twenties and eventually had a very large and loving family and the family tree continued to grow.  It’s an honor to be a part of this family and really helps me to realize that we’re all just a part of something much larger than ourselves.  My hope is that by doing good research I can honor my ancestors in a way that would make them proud.  I hope that future generations can come to know them better as a result.